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Text your partner this simple message...

And a unique celebration idea to try!

The Spark (by Hunter at Show Her Off Dance).

“Love is friendship that has caught fire.”

~ Ann Landers 

Connecting Conversations

Sometimes a great question is all you need to start a meaningful conversation :)

This weekend, try asking your significant other:

  • What can I do to make your life easier?

  • Excluding the current era, what other era do you think I would fit in?

  • What is the most embarrassing moment we have had together?

Date Night

Can a scary story bring a couple together? 

You bet! 

Fear can build stronger connections with our relationships. When we are scared we release the powerful bonding chemical called oxytocin (the same hormones released after intimacy and the one mothers’ produce during childbirth).

So today’s date night idea mixes scary stories with some cuddle time :) 

Cozy up with a scary story 

  1. Create the atmosphere: light some candles, turn off the lights and find a cozy spot to snuggle up for the evening 

  1. Grab some snacks to share: popcorn? M&Ms? Fruit? 

  1. Lie down, get comfortable, close your eyes and press “play” on the show! 

Not only can this be a fun, low-tech activity, but it often evokes the urge to cuddle. 

You’ll probably also find yourselves reacting to the scary bits together, seeing a side of your partner that you might not otherwise see. 

And it’s also a great segue into finding out what scares each of you. 

Budget: $5-10 for snacks 

Have fun with this one! 

Simple Text Prompt

Send your partner a quick text using the following prompt:

I wanted to thank you for [something they did in the past 7 days]. It really made me feel [briefly describe the positive feeling(s) you experienced as a result]. I appreciate you.

For example:

Thank you for making lunch for me last Friday. It really made me feel taken care of, loved and FULL - yummy :). I appreciate you!

Do you celebrate your Monthaversary?

This tip comes from John, a fellow Spark reader:

“We like the ‘monthaversary’ 

That is, the day of the month of your wedding becomes an excuse for a monthly date. You can take turns choosing what to do on that day, or choose by consensus. This can range from a dance, a walk, a restaurant outing, visiting a friend together, shopping, etc. Or incorporate it into a vacation time. 

We have been married for over 40 years, and it has helped keep our relationship fun. Our trying the “show her off” dance moves came out of planning for a monthaversary date a couple years ago.”

I love this idea because it creates a special mini-milestone for you two to celebrate each month :) 

Why not test it out for 2-3 months and see if it sticks for you?

Whenever you’re ready, there are 3 ways I can help you:

  1. Take on Date Night Dancing 2 & 3 - If you’ve finished Date Night 1 and are ready to add more moves to your dance list checkout Date Night 2 and Date Night 3 for more fun and laughter together right at home.

  2. Sign up for early access to Pocket Date Nights - Brand new Date Night program launching later in May that will have you two laughing, loving and communicating better. No dancing in this program but plenty of fun. Spots are limited.

  3. Promote yourself to 120,000+ subscribers by sponsoring my newsletter.

Keep the spark’s flying,

Hunter Masters

Director of Romance

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