• The Spark
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  • A cozy & fun holiday date idea ☕

A cozy & fun holiday date idea ☕

PLUS: An intro to the five love languages...

Welcome to your first edition of The Spark (by Hunter at Show Her Off Dance).

Every Thursday, I’m going to send you a quick, five-minute email with fun date night ideas, conversation starters, and resources to help strengthen your relationship.

My goal is to help you and your partner have more fun, feel more closely connected and create more meaningful memories together (just like Date Night Dancing).

Don’t want to receive the email? You can unsubscribe by clicking here.

PS - If you need your Date Night Dancing login info you can reset your password here.

Now, without further ado, let’s dive in…

Connecting Conversations

Sometimes a great question is all you need to start a meaningful conversation :)

This weekend, try asking your significant other:

  • What was your dream job as a kid? Why?

  • What decision are you grateful you didn’t make?

  • What recent experience made you feel closer to me?

Have any questions that you’d suggest I include for future editions?

Reply to this email and let me know.

Date Night

With the first full week of December coming to a close, there’s no better time to sweep your loved one off of their feet with a thoughtful winter-themed date night.

This week, try out this affordable night-in that will provide sweet memories and maybe even a new tradition!

“Gourmet” Hot Chocolate Fun Night 

Set up a hot chocolate station, and go above-and-beyond with the fixings.

Include the classics like marshmallows and candy canes, but consider throwing in some fancier options too, like:

  • Toffee bits

  • Cinnamon sticks

  • Pirouette cookies

  • White chocolate shavings

For the drink itself, while instant mixes will do the job, try creating the hot chocolate from scratch. Here is a popular recipe from Ina Garten that you can try (and confirm if it lives up to the hype).

Once your station is set-up, turn on some holiday music and make your drinks! 

Then pull out a board game or snuggle down on the couch and watch your favorite holiday movie.

If you end up using the idea, reply to this email and let me know how it went!

The Love Lab

Ever felt like you’re just not connecting? Perhaps you are speaking different “languages” to each other.

The concept of the Five Love Languages, developed by Dr. Gary Chapman, offers a simple framework for understanding how people express and receive love in different ways. The five languages are:

  • Words of Affirmation: This language uses words to affirm other people. Compliments, words of appreciation, and verbal encouragement are highly valued.

    • Example: Telling your partner, "I love how you always listen to me," or "You did a great job on that project!"

  • Quality Time: This language is about giving the other person your undivided attention. It means spending meaningful time together, engaging in activities or conversations.

    • Example: Planning a special evening together or a walk in the park, focusing entirely on each other without distractions.

  • Receiving Gifts: For some people, what makes them feel most loved is to receive a gift. This language isn't necessarily materialistic; it's more about the thought behind the gift.

    • Example: Surprising your partner with a thoughtful item that shows you were thinking of them, like their favorite snack or a handmade item.

  • Acts of Service: This language involves doing things you know your partner would like you to do. It's about easing their burden through your actions.

    • Example: Helping with chores, cooking dinner, or running an errand for your partner to make their day easier.

  • Physical Touch: This language includes various forms of physical intimacy. It's not only about sexual intimacy but also includes holding hands, cuddling, kisses, and other forms of touch.

    • Example: Giving a hug when your partner comes home, holding hands during a movie, or a comforting touch when they're feeling down.

Understanding and speaking your partner's primary love language can significantly improve your relationship and level of connection. 

For more detailed information on each love language and how to apply them in your relationship, visit the official website for the 5 Love Languages.

That’s it for this week’s edition of The Spark :) 

Put this edition’s ideas to work this weekend, and see first-hand how small, intentional acts can transform your relationship.

Keep the spark’s flying,

Hunter Masters
Director of Romance

PS - If you purchased streaming access and need your Date Night Dancing login info you can reset your password here.

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